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Computer repair for $40
Moderators: Warchilin66, Airborn, DJScott
Author Post
Mon Dec 15 2014, 11:09PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Thu Feb 05 2009, 09:40AM
Posts: 136
Computer repair for $40

Hello Everyone.

It's that time of years again when Christmas comes and we all buy gifts for our loved ones. A lot of you will getting computers and either selling your old ones or chucking them out by the road side or the garbage or retiring them to your garage. This year I will be using my talents to repair these types of machines and either resale or salvage them for parts. I will be offering my services for repair as well. I will remove your viruses and fix your machines for the low price of $40. This is cheaper than I have seen anywhere in the Salt Lake City. So contact me here and I will get back to you. If you need consultation on new machines or software or repairs please give me a call or message me here.

James Salazar

[ Edited Thu Apr 16 2015, 01:49AM ]
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